Following is a list of the primary tools used to build and maintain this site.
Made on a Mac – All of the work on this site has been done on Macintosh computers.
HTML5 – While I considered using a Content Management System such as TextPattern or Drupal, I ultimately preferred to maintain the site in static HTML, to optimize load times, to maximize the site's portability and to allow myself the broadest options in overall design of the site.
Bootstrap – The responsive HTML, CSS and Javascript framework.
Textile – After considering a number of different options for a lightweight markup language, I settled on the Textile format since it was the one that provided the most useful options to me, including the ability to specify class names for paragraphs.
Notenik – I use this application to generate the web pages from a series of inputs, including content written in Textile.
BBEdit – BBEdit is still my preferred text editor. I use it to create and maintain the HTML templates for the site, as well as all of the site's textual content.
GraphicConverter – I've used this shareware gem to format and size all of the graphics that are used on the site. – This site and its author are part of the Associates program. This means that I earn a small referral fee on any books or CDs a reader purchases at after following a link from my site to theirs. Products purchased in this way don't cost the buyer any more than if they had gone to directly. On pages where I recommend particular CDs, you can follow either the text links or the album cover links to an Amazon page featuring that particular CD.
Equity & Concourse Fonts – Designed by Matthew Butterick.
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